
Dear Participant,

You have registered yourself for Perception Test for your "Getting Started With e-Mentoring" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The i-Mentor Project Team

1. Which of the following definition is true to mentor’s attitude?

a) Take action on behalf of mentees
b) Intervene on behalf of mentees
c) Meet the mentees for confidential discussions
d) Discuss the mentee with the line manager

2. Which of the following definition is true to mentees attitude?

a) Take responsibility for drawing up their own development plans
b) Expect their mentor to take any direction on their behalf
c) Attempt to force their line manager into account by quoting their mentor
d) None

3. Which of the following definition is false to mentoring for mentee?

a) Can magically open doors and get the job
b) Can increase technical knowledge
c) Can develop as a person
d) Can develop career potential

4. Which of the following definition is true for mentor – mentee relationship?

a) Mentoring partners should not be obligated to regularly meet
b) When a person volunteers for a partnership, s/he has an obligation regularly to meet
c) Successful mentoring really only starts spontaneously, naturally
d) None

5. A mentoring relationship isn’t;

a) An active, learning one
b) Open but confidential
c) Purely patronage or sponsorship
d) A stretching, broadening experience for all parties

6. What to do in case of disagreement with the mentee?

a) I’d leave her
b) I ‘d try to improve this condition
c) I’d feel guilty
d) I ‘d try building agreement

7. What exactly doesn’t help mentee to think positive?

a) Starting saying positive things especially about her
b) Thinking about her problems more
c) Setting goals
d) Trying new thinks

8. During the mentoring process when as mentor should you provide feedback?

a) Only after all views have been discussed
b) At the end of each mentoring session
c) Early and often
d) None

9. Mentors provide;

a) Resource
b) Guidance
c) Modelling
d) All of them

10. What is the most important aspect of effective mentoring?

a) Gaining trust
b) Listening actively
c) Choosing the most appropriate mentoring style
d) All of them

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