
Dear Participant,

You have registered yourself for Perception Test for your "Best Practice Examples for Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

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The i-Mentor Project Team

1. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) The mentor provides financial assistance to the mentee
b) The mentor hands out a manual to the mentee
c) The mentor acts as a trustful support during challenges
d) The mentor is the official ICT-support for the mentee

2. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) The immigrant woman is herself responsible for taking care of her child’s education
b) The society should provide education for the children
c) Immigrants are not entitled to education services
d) Women’s place is at home teaching their kids

3. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Immigrant children are legally required to take up education
b) Families may decide whether the child goes to school
c) The principal and the kid’s father can agree whether the child goes to school
d) The elders of the immigrant community decide whether the children should be educated

4. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Mastering the local language is futile since physical work can be emphasized
b) Learning the local language isn’t good because its easier to forget one’s own language
c) Its futile to learn new languages when everyone knows English so well
d) Mastering the local language is vital for successful integration

5. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Everyone is entitled to health services as the right to healthy life is a human right
b) Everyone looks after their own health
c) Immigrants are not entitled to health services
d) Having an insurance is a pre-requirement to get to the hospital in case of emergency

6. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Different laws are applied to native Europeans than are applied to immigrants
b) In Europe, people are equal in the face of the law
c) Women have different laws than men
d) Sentences for breaking the law are harder for immigrants

7. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Crimes can be dealt with within the family
b) The cultural conventions in the country of departure are stricter than the ones in Europe
c) It is not the society’s business to intervene in family matters
d) EU laws are above the cultural customs of immigrants

8. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Helping women enter entrepreneurship is useless
b) The society can’t afford to lose the resources provided by immigrant women
c) It would be better if the women stayed in home nursing their kids
d) Self-employment is not suited for immigrant women

9. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Immigrant women can provide new skills and new perspectives that can be useful for the native community as well
b) Immigrant women are a burden for the society
c) Europe does not need immigrants
d) Women should stay out of financial matters entirely

10. Which of the following statements fits the best?

a) Self-employed don’t need social and health services
b) Educational- daycare- and health services provided by the society, that are essential to allow the entrepreneur to focus on working
c) Grandparents are there to look after the kids
d) Resorting to public services is shameful

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