How can you guide the mentee about trademark registration as a mentor?
Undoubtedly, one of the most important thing to ensure the legal protection of an enterprise is the initiative itself or the legal protection of the products or services it produces. it allows the separation of the product or service from other enterprises or products and services. This is realized by trademark registration. Trademark registration can be based on the company's own name and logo, as well as on the service and product it produces. Determining which class to be registered belongs to another important point. At this point, the mentee should learn which brand classes should she apply for registration. Thus, the mentee must be aware of the importance of protecting her intellectual property and the approval of her intellectual property. She must ensure that all intellectual property rights relating to her products or services are protected and do not infringe the rights of others.
How to show ways to be resilient to crises for a new entrepreneur woman with a migrant background?
The most common majors for self-employed migrant women are restaurant, catering, cleaning, hairdressing/ beauty sector. These business areas have low-profit margins and are vulnerable to crises. It may be impossible to know when the business will slow down for a new start-up mentee, and even over the years, it can be challenging for companies of any size. Tell her that if she does not set aside money to close current, periodic bills, she will be caught in a sticky situation.
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How much time I should devote optimally in mentoring?
Each case is different and takes varying amounts of time. Both need to set aside time to get acquainted with things before the mentoring meeting. Appointments can be 60 to 90 minutes, or up to 4 hours in a face-to-face meeting, where more issues are discussed. After the meeting, the actor makes the entries and the mentor returns to things that require further clarification. The recommended amount is 5 -10 times. Sometimes 3 times is enough.
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What suggestions should the mentor provide to maintain the financial stability of the mentee?
Prepare a budget, Distinguish income from expense items and don't spend outside your budget, Find ways of minimizing your costs, Keep track of all your purchases, Establish a relationship with a bank by maintaining an account, Become familiar with the different types of accounts and services offered, Learn the different types of investment vehicles, Make proper marketing strategy, Always make a backup plan.
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What is the definition of culture?
“Culture” is defined as an integrated pattern of learned human behaviors (e.g., styles of communication, customs) and beliefs (e.g., views on roles and relationships) shared among groups (Robins, Fantone, Hermann, Alexander, & Zweifler, 1998; Donini-Lenhoff & Hendrick, 2000). The word “competence” implies having the capacity to function effectively with a cultural group (Cross, Bazron, Dennis, & Isaacs, 1989).
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Why mentoring is important for women start-ups with a migrant background?
Many initiatives led by migrant women fail due to a lack of support and gender biases. The right mentorship can help a business start, grow, and survive until it stabilizes, especially when it comes to start-ups. The right method and timely advice an entrepreneur receive from good mentoring are invaluable. For this reason, one of the most important parts of supporting a newly established business is mentoring.
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Why is it important for the mentee to follow legal procedures when starting the venture?
The mentee must have the ability to review and analyze the main agreements to be executed by the first year of operation, including such as Confidentiality Agreements, Specifications, Shareholder Agreements, Employment Agreements, Independent Contractor Agreements, and financing agreements. Examine the business plan from this perspective. Ask her if appropriate legal agreements have been drawn up.
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How should mentors be prepared to assist mentees in the financial field?
Mentors will guide mentees on basic economic concepts, budgeting, money market and instruments, financial market and financial institutions, account management, personal wealth management; the main risks associated with debt to know the basics of contracting in the job market and avoid financial fraud; they will understand taxable income and types of earnings, compound interest.
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What are the possible risk factors for a new entrepreneur?
Incorrect records and / or information, Non-compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, Activity interruption, Legal barriers, High costs, Incomes that cannot be realized or lost, Loss or loss of assets, Competitive disadvantages, Trick or conflict of interest, Improper management policies and / or decision process.
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How to estimate/measure the usefulness/efficiency of the mentoring process
The mentee and the mentor evaluate the same questions with the same metric. The measurement can be done every time after or less often. The evaluation takes into account e.g. own contribution to the mentoring meeting and preliminary assignments. Effectiveness can be reflected in revenue growth, customer numbers and improved profitability.
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How should the mentee decide on the firm structure she will establish?
The mentee should have the ability to understand and apply different approaches and the advantages and disadvantages of various structuring options. Since every job is different and includes migrant regulations, laws are complex and dynamic, ask the mentee to be familiar with the laws that are relevant to her situation.
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How is efficient action plan development realized?
Together the mentee and the mentor study customer needs and customer potential, markets, products and cost structure, price the product profitably, taking into account the customers' ability to pay. Implement the plan and evaluate the results. If necessary, changes are made according to customer feedback.
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What are the e-mentoring techniques?
Can be met remotely live and the topic will be discussed together. The mentee has preliminary assignments that the mentor comments on and the mentee responds to. External experts may also be invited to the meeting with the permission of the mentee. If possible, meet face to face on the spot.
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Intercultural communication between cultures.
When mentoring immigrants, it is a good idea for a mentor to first reflect and be aware of the specificities, customs, attitudes, values and beliefs of one's own culture in order to identify and relate the customs, values, attitudes and beliefs of the mentee who comes from other culture.
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Who is the mentor in the i-mentor project?
Mentor is a trusted, usually more experienced person. In the i-Mentor project, a peer-to-peer online mentoring model is recommended for women who are entrepreneurs themselves or who have been entrepreneurs in the past, to guide other entrepreneurial women with an immigrant background.
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Should I support my Mantee in building her audience SM?
Yes,but by helping her discover her target group and usage of all techniques presented in the module instead of giving simplest and short-term solusions."When it comes to success there are no shortcuts". You aren't obliged to share her brand on your SM, only if you wish to do so.
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How do you guide the mentee to profit and cash flow?
Profits earned by a business may not be fully retained. Accordingly, the reason why companies prepare both income statements and cash flow statements are that cash and profit are not equal. For example, while a company's profits are increasing, its cash flow may decrease.
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Cultural competence
As with all interactions, language plays an important role. Language learning plays a key role in the new settlng up in a new society and living environment. A good mentor asks questions, discusses and interacts closely, but never negatively criticises anyone's culture.
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How to give information about basic personal skills and abilities required for entrepreneurship?
In addition to her own professional competencies, the mentee must recognize her ability to perform or organize tasks related to finance, management, marketing, and administration. She must know e.g. their stress tolerance, perseverance and self-confidence.
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What is the significance of cultural issues beneath the surface?
It is not always possible to understand different cultures due to many differences starting from languages, and visible ways of for example greeting people, but learning of the cultural differences helps one to settle down easier in the new environment.
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How to build trust in mentoring relationships?
Both talk about themselves as a person, their own background and the situation in life. Respect for another’s cultural background and agreed prohibited topics of conversation. Agreed things that are not told to others without the permission of another.
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Does the mentor have to agree with the mentee's ideas?
The mentor does not have to agree with everything on the mentee. The mentor gives critical and constructive feedback in a good spirit. Purpose is to help the mentee make better choices or develop her product or service to be better and more competitive.
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Why a gender-sensitive entrepreneurship training?
In some cultures, this is a requirement for women to receive guidance. This is not required by European culture, but women may find it easier to work with another woman. For example, women can better understand the needs that motherhood brings.
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How can I explain the concrete needs of as a female migrant?
In mentoring, it is important to maintain openness between mentor/mentor
and first discuss the factors required for subsistence and examine the conditions required for it before launching a central discussions on, for example, the career path.
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What everyday challenges does an entrepreneur woman face?
To be capable of running a business, she has to acquire daycare for her children, interact with various authorities. In addition, she needs knowledge on how to use local social and healthcare services and learn the language and culture.
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Who owns the mentoring process?
The mentor understands that the process is owned by the mentee. The goal is also hers. The role of the mentor is to support the mentee as she moves towards the goal. The mentee is always responsible for business decisions.
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How do I choose a channel to communicate with my Mantee?
You should choose channel for communication based on your and mantee preferences. Social media deliver all sorts of communication tools so you could take an advantage of this action to practice movement arount social media platforms.
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Is it possible to receive daycare and school placement for the kids?
To ease the integration, European Union directives aim to introduce the immigrant children into education as early as possible. The mentor knows the host country’s practices and knows how to place the children into school and daycare.
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Do you have to think about the risks in advance when starting a business?
Assess your company's risks on a very general level. Think about the horror scenarios that can happen. Think about how you can prevent horror images from happening. Then, preferably with an expert, consider the risks in more detail.
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Why is mutual trust important?
Immigrant woman, who is entering self-employment, might face many challenges without anyone to talk to. Having a trusted person who listens and gives advice, is practically a pre-requirement for fruitful discussion at all.
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