1. Introduction
2. Mentor - Mentee Relationships in the Mentoring Process
2.1. The the Planning of the Meeting with the Mentee
2.2. The Mentroring Process
2.3. The Mentroring Agreement
2.4. The Mentroring Plan
2.5. The Mentroring Agreement
2.6. Some e-Mentoring Techniques
2.7. Difficulties in Mentor and Mentee Relationship
2.8. Building Trust in Mentoring Relationship
2.9. Mentoring Transparency and Estimating/Measuring the Usefulness/Efficiency of the Mentoring Process
2.10. Quick Preliminary Risk Analysis
2.11. Stress Management
2.11.1. What Helps Relieve Stress?
2.11.2. Test Your Stress Level
2.12. Tools for Mentor