1. Introduction
2. Some of the concepts on Mentoring
2.1. Mentor
2.2 Responsibilities of the Mentor
2.3 Core Competencies and Mentor Attitudes
2.4 Mentee
2.5 Responsibilities of the Mentee
2.6 Mentoring
2.6.1 The Philosophy of Mentoring
2.6.2 Mentoring Contract
2.6.3 Type of Mentoring Models Mentoring by type of relationship: Formal and Informal Mentoring Mentoring by type of Activity e- Mentoring According to the Mentoring Field of Expertise Mentor of the i-Mentor Model
3. Entrpreneurship Mentoring
3.1 Entrepreneurship Motivation
3.2 Business idea and Preliminary Assessment
3.3 Creating a Business Plan
3.4 Stages of Entrepreneurship Mentoring
4. Potential Challenges in Mentoring
5. Conclusion
6. Summary

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